all about Cato's Atheneaum

A journey to a life worth keeping...

...all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...

As I continue to act on this joyous-arduous, funny-crazy,exciting-frightening stage so called LIFE...I begin to wonder...Could it be possible in this prime of life, I would be able to play the much awaited LEAD ROLE?
..still pursuing...still fighting...still aiming...

Until the last curtain call...

Monday, January 31, 2011 every sense...

     FAITH without work, is dead! A biblical line which is very very true!
For the Skeptics, Faith is a non-rational belief in some proposition. A non-rational belief is one that is contrary to the sum of the evidence for that belief. A belief is contrary to the sum of the evidence if there is overwhelming evidence against the belief, e.g., that the earth is flat, hollow, or is the center of the universe. A belief is also contrary to the sum of the evidence if the evidence seems equal both for and against the belief, yet one commits to one of the two or more equally supported propositions. On religious side, it is a strong belief in a religion based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. While  A scientist's "faith" is built on experimental proof. The two meanings of the word "faith," therefore, are not only different, they are exact opposites.
However, Faith in "something" will only be rewarded and enjoyed by one who ACTS! Act to do live with accomplish it...and to achieve it!