I’m sorry... I have to leave,
And left you with affliction
With unbearable yearning, of someone to fondle and snuggle
I’m sorry ...it has to be that hard
Leaving home, without someone to cease,
Coming back, without someone to tease
I’m sorry... I won’t be there,
When times get rough …
I can’t be that tough
I’m sorry ...sometimes it’s hard to trust
When everything around you seems to be rust!
There to debauch, the love that ought to last.
I'm sorry... sometimes lying is concealing,
to the anguish one can give,
to the lanquid one can bring...
I'm sorry..I have to admit,
niether can I give you my shoulder...
nor can I wipe away your tears
I’m sorry ...saying I love you and I miss you won't be enough
To ease the longing, we both need to pass
In being together,surely those words cannot surpass
by: faithpalanca
9-15-10/10:01 PM